2012/4/2 - The 10th Annual James Speed Camp is scheduled for July 20-22, 2012. Sign up now!

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chEARmusic onE
  1. chEARup mix @ 141bpm (15:05)
  2. taking you, my people, back @ 141bpm (0:30)
  3. kelly's pink keys @ 141bpm (0:30)
  4. jon bovi @ 144bpm (0:45)
  5. big hair rock @ 144bpm (0:45)
  6. hollering @ 141bpm (0:46)
  7. smoke in your eye @ 141bpm (0:57)
  8. not good @ 141bpm (0:59)
  9. that 80's mix @ 141bpm (1:15)
  10. british knee @ 143bpm (1:28)
  11. candy from a stranger @ 141bpm (3:05)
All tracks recorded a second time at a slower tempo of 133 beats per minute.
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